Andy DeMeulenaere


Andy was active in his youth and played multiple sports, but was never a runner. However, after college he decided to start running occasionally in an effort to stay active. He ran his first 5k in 2008 and was hooked. In 2010 he ran his first marathon, then went on to complete 7 more in the coming years. His favorite marathon memories are Chicago, where he was born, and Philadelphia, his fastest time. 

He has always been focused on the health benefits of running; speed is just a bonus. When Andy first began running he'd run around the pond near his home, sometimes using a stopwatch to track his time. This method worked well for him, and he did not upgrade to a running watch until 2019. Though he's grown to enjoy tracking his runs through his watch, he's still a simple runner: a good playlist, his favorite running shoes (Gel Kayanos), and a little free time are all he needs - and if he's extra lucky, some sunshine! He's been known to head out for a short run and come back 10 miles later because he was feeling good that day. (Spoiler: He's "feeling good" while running more often than not!) 

Andy has brought a love of running to countless people, most notably his wife and two boys. They ran the Turkey Trot as a family last year, something he'd been looking forward to for years. He's excited to grow the Mighty Milers in Frederick and develop a love for running in this younger generation.