Run Happy

Run Happy Revolution Training: Running When Life Gets in the Way

Run Happy Revolution Training: Running When Life Gets in the Way

Imagine a world where you could do whatever you want whenever you wanted to without having to worry about other plans? Wouldn’t that just be the best thing ever?! Well, as we all know, that’s not the life most of us live, and instead, we constantly find ourselves overwhelmed by our schedules, or sacrificing other plans we may have in place of work or school. I don’t need to tell any of you how tough it can be, and in my case, I found it particularly difficult to find time for working out last semester. Between school and work, any free time I had automatically went to homework, and I grew pretty fed up with it after a while.

Run Happy Revolution Training: Overcoming Intimidation

I like to think I’m a pretty adventurous person. I’ve traveled Europe on my own. I try any food that is put in front of me (I even ate jellyfish once!).  I have jumped off of cliffs and gone white water rafting. I’ve even opened up to a crowd of hundreds of people on a stage in the middle of Times Square. Where am I going with this? Well, naturally I was intimidated by each and every one of those moments, but the common outcome has been that overcoming the intimidation has led me to some pretty spectacular experiences in my short 22 years of living.