
Taking it to the Next Level with the 24 Hour Challenge

Taking it to the Next Level with the 24 Hour Challenge

In 2018 we took the challenge to the next level, we decided to do a 24 Hour Challenge at our Annapolis location and invite our staff and our running community to run a one mile loop around the Annapolis Town Centre for 24 Hours. Yes that sounded crazy too but why not give it a try. Well we did it and it was a great success so we are back for another year!

"Why I Run" by 2020 Amy Schuerholz Metz & CCR Scholarship Recipient Luke Bonfiglio

"Why I Run" by 2020 Amy Schuerholz Metz & CCR Scholarship Recipient Luke Bonfiglio

Running has been a big part of my life since my first year of cross country in seventh grade. It started out as just a twice-weekly thing with my friends in the fall, with a little summer running, and in high school it grew to six days a week in the fall and much more off-season running. Since then, it’s been my favorite way to exercise, and one of my favorite ways to relieve stress.