Injury Prevention

Plantar Fasciitis: A Stubborn Battle That Can Be Won!

Plantar Fasciitis: A Stubborn Battle That Can Be Won!

By: Dr. Matthew Silver, coach, educator, physical therapist, and founder of Alpha Project Phyzio & Performance

Plantar fasciitis can be the scourge for many runners. If you’ve had it before, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The morning stiffness in the foot/heel, the time off from running, the stress of being un-able to properly train for your race/marathon. In fact, plantar fasciitis is the third most frequent complaint of runners visiting sports medicine clinics.

Post-Race Recovery: Don't Underestimate It's Power! by Charm City Run Elite Racing Team Coach Jeff Burger

Post-Race Recovery: Don't Underestimate It's Power! by Charm City Run Elite Racing Team Coach Jeff Burger

As a running coach, one of the most frequently asked questions we get is what to do after your target race. This is a normal and valid question. You’ve just spent several months building up to one day to run one race. A certain sense of “let down” is normal, even when your race goes well. It is important to understand that allowing your body to recover from your race is just as, or even more important than the training that went into the race. So, what do you do?

Beware of Poor Running Form: Get to Know Your Runners Gait by Dr. Matt Silver

Beware of Poor Running Form: Get to Know Your Runners Gait by Dr. Matt Silver

Workshops and Gait Analyses are something we love putting on at Alpha Project Phyzio & Performance! A question you may have is,” why do we put on workshops” and” What is a gait assessment/analyses?”. Those are all great questions. The short answer is to give you, the runner, a level of knowledge of how to take care of yourself on your own! This is something we love doing and is a great opportunity for you, to learn valuable skills to continue running well into your 60’s, 70’s, and older!

Foundation of Sports Nutrition for Runners

Foundation of Sports Nutrition for Runners

Among the many things to consider, nutrition is one of the most important aspects to focus on when incorporating more exercise and mileage. Conflicting nutrition messages emerging in the media can make it very challenging to figure out what you should be doing to fuel your body without underfueling or overfueling. Here are 4 key evidence based tips for new runners to help keep you focused and energized throughout your training.

Running Injury Reduction by Dr. Geoffrey Dreher

Running Injury Reduction by Dr. Geoffrey Dreher

Running can be a lifestyle and is the most popular form of exercise with multiple health benefits. However, when running is done as “monotraining” it can lead to injuries. Monotraining refers to doing only one form of exercise, which causes muscle imbalances to develop and repetitive overuse injuries to occur.

Overcoming Running Injuries by NovaCare Rehabilitation

Overcoming Running Injuries by NovaCare Rehabilitation

There is good pain and bad pain. Good pain stops when you stop. It is generally mild, diffuses and doesn’t affect quality of movement. Bad pain does not stop when you stop. It can get worse during or after activity. It can be sharp in nature, and significant enough to force you to change your gait whether you realize it or not.