Boston Marathon Qualifier Training

TRAINING STARTS on june 10th

The Charm City Run Boston Marathon Qualifier Program is targeted towards runners who have a realistic goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon and/or runners who may have already qualified for the Boston Marathon and are interested in bettering their marathon time.

This marathon training group is an advanced, high mileage program. See below for the requirements for joining this group. We also have a fall marathon training program that will start June 10th and target the Baltimore Running Festival Marathon and any other fall marathons.

start dates

Target Race: Chicago Marathon on October 8th, 2023 as well as any other race during this time frame in order to submit a qualifying bid for the 2024 Boston Marathon.



  • Supported group runs and workouts twice a week with planned routes, refreshments and companionship. Every Tuesday evening, we will do intervals at a local track and every Saturday we will meet for long runs.

  • A personalized training program with suggested paces for every run, including easy runs, tempo runs, intervals, and long runs.  

  • Weekly emails from the coaches with important runs for the week and any other important information – i.e. in store events, seminars, etc. 

  • Access to expert coaching services and advice.

  • Logo training premium.

  • Gait analysis with footwear recommendations.

  • 10% store discount at Charm City Run.

  • Advice from Charm City Run staff regarding apparel, running form, strength training, nutrition, race strategy, pacing, and more.

Boston Marathon Qualifier Training Program


In order to participate in a Boston Marathon training program, you must meet at least one of the first two criteria and be willing to adhere to the third.  These criteria include:

1. Have completed a marathon within the last 18 months and recorded a time within 10 minutes of your Boston Marathon qualifying time. For instance, if you are an 18-34 year old male, your qualifying time is a 3:05.  In order to qualifying for this training program, you will need to have run a 3:25 or faster within the last 18 months.

2. Run one or more half marathons within the last 12 months and recorded a time that if you double your time and add 15 minutes, will equal a Boston qualifying time.  For instance, for an 18-34 year old male, you would have to run a half marathon in 1:25 or faster within the last 12 months

3. You have to be willing and able to run 12 miles at a time on day one of the training and you have to be willing to run 5 or more days a week and 55 or more mile per week.

Dates & Times


First Run:

  • Saturday, June 10th at 7:30am

Training Runs: 

  • Tuesdays at 6:30pm

  • Saturdays at 7:30am

Coach: Jeff Burger


Email the coach at