Do Epic Sh*t. see who has been epic.
Frederick Half Marathon Training Group
I first joined the Charm City Run Training Group in February 2020. Until that point I only had a handful of 5k races under my belt, but now I was training for a half marathon that was to be in May. COVID-19 disrupted some of those plans, but our coaches, Siobhan and Kelly, kept us going and on track. I've learned a lot from not just my coaches but from the group as well. I strongly recommend this training program to beginners, seasoned runners looking to improve their performance, and those who just want a good supportive group of people to run with.
5k Virtual Plan
Timonium Half Marathon Group Training
Timonium Marathon Group Training
I've been buying running shoes at Charm City for a long time, I receive their promo emails and had an eye out for training groups In Fall 2020. I think I initially joined the training to educate myself, and to make sure I stuck to a training program, ultimately to avoid injury. It's definitely important to educate yourself when attempting to test your body in a marathon or really a race of any distance, but the Charm City Run Training Groups do much more than educate you. Running -and racing- tests your limits mentally and physically, so on those days when you just aren't feeling it, struggling to get moving after a long day of work, or when the alarm goes off too early on Saturday morning, I knew the group was going to be there ready to roll, rain or shine. On those tough workout days, digging into the well feels a lot more possible when you have a team with you, supporting each other. Read more.
Timonium 26.2+ Training
I am still on cloud nine, but slowly coming down from the glorious accomplishment of completing my first Ultra! The (virtual, but on the actual course) 2021 HAT Run 50K! I had an AMAZING training season/experience from Dec 2020-HAT 50K. Coach Troy has a "no man left behind" style to long runs and "we start and finish as a group" (of course there were a few different pace sub-groups). Within three weeks, I stopped bringing my headphones because I realized I didn't have to run alone. Conversations on the trails ranged from running stories, talking about family, inside jokes and weekend plans. Our long run sub-group really became a close group. I actually got stronger/faster because I challenged myself to push harder to stay with group, when sometimes I felt tired. There were times I planned to only do half/part the long run, because I didn't feel great, but ended up doing the whole thing because I didn't want to leave the group early. I cannot believe I looked forward to getting up at 5am every Saturday for four months to run 3-6 hours in the freezing cold, mud, rain, wind.
Charm City Run Training is great no matter where you are in your running journey! I had a nagging injury when I started the training program that I found out was much more serious then I realized. Our coach worked with me to adjust my training so I could still stay active with the group and developed a plan for when I was ready to begin running again so I could do so safely. It was so helpful to have the support, guidance and encouragement to keep me going!
Columbia 5K Training Group
First thank you to our Columbia 5K coach, Amy, for marking the trail for us --- it was incredibly helpful so we knew which way to go.
Second, thank you for the encouraging statements you wrote for us. Climbing the large hill and seeing “Good Job” put a smile on my face. I also appreciated other notes such as “Keep Going”. It made it fun and kept me moving.
I would not be doing this without a group. And I never would have signed up for this group if I didn't see Amy’s message on the Maple Lawn Facebook group. Although I noted I find running as punishment, I truly enjoyed the course this morning. This is the first time ever that I was able to relax and love the process while I jogged. You may even be able to talk me into an upcoming race or two.!