
My Running Journey: From Feeling Scared to Enjoying the Process

My Running Journey: From Feeling Scared to Enjoying the Process

I arrived at the first training session, shaking in my shoes, just so sure I was going to stick out like a sore thumb.  I was definitely the largest person there, but no one laughed.  We gave introductions and our running background.  Many others were already runners and were just getting back into running. I stated that I had never run before in my life.  No one laughed.  All were encouraging.

Experience The Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits

Experience The Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits

Running the Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits is such an exciting pursuit because it encompasses different distances, different seasons and gives you an opportunity to capitalize on your strengths as a runner and focus on your weaknesses. There really is something for everyone.

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Kelly's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Kelly's Perspective

“Who wants to run the New York City Marathon in November?” We were asked this question at a managers meeting and I could not answer yes fast enough. The chance to run the New York City marathon, to represent New Balance and Charm City Run... this is going to be EPIC.

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Ben's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Ben's Perspective

Any longtime runner is familiar with the shock, confusion, horror, concern, and incomprehension they are met with when they tell a non-runner they are training for a marathon (or any race, or that they enjoy running in general). They simply do not understand; so let me answer their questions once and for all. Why do I run? Peace, connection, joy.

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Deanthony's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Deanthony's Perspective

I am running this race for my wife Erin, daughter Dreux and the rest of my family. They're a huge part of my "WHY" in anything I do, when I set my intentions on something inspiring. Knowing that my daughter will be paying attention to MY ACTIONS for the rest of her life as she grows into a young lady, I want her to know that her father didn't always have a Dad Bod and wants her to continuously challenge herself mentally, physically and spiritually and to also know that the journey is the destination. #TheMarathonContinues

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Bobby's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Bobby's Perspective

I never considered myself to be a runner until high school. I joined my cross country team simply to make friends since I was the new kid on the block. I was lucky enough to have my first spike night at the old Charm City Run in Clarksville. It was a great experience, and I learned immediately that running was more than just quickly putting one foot in front of the other. I developed a passion for the sport thanks to my team and coaches, and realized that I could be a runner if I just took the chance.

Running in Hot Weather by MedStar Health

Running in Hot Weather by MedStar Health

Welcome to MedStar Health in Federal Hill! I’m Becca Schwender, physical therapist and member of the race medicine team. For those who ran the 2019 Marine Corps Marathon, you are well aware how hot weather can change your race day plan. Training through hot and humid summer months requires planning ahead to make the most of your run.

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Tom's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon as a Team: Tom's Perspective

The opportunity to run in NYC is one that you don’t say no to. In fact, I think my team knew I couldn’t say no. I missed the meeting where we were polling the crew to see who had interest. I just happened to end up on that list. I'm thankful for that.

Starting Lines, Race Times, and I’m Never Growing-up!

Starting Lines, Race Times, and I’m Never Growing-up!

Race results prove what you did do not what you can do. Read on for more wise words from...never mind. Those may be the best words I string together as it occurs to me that my race is weeks away and I’ll soon be held accountable for anything I say about post-race mindset.

One mile at a time. One day at a time.

One mile at a time. One day at a time.

One mile at a time. One day at a time. Two strong mantras that can refer to so many different things in life from running, recovery & addiction, to so much more. Five years ago as we were planning how to celebrate National Running Day, our town and people like us were being affected by the opioid epidemic, and we knew this is where we could help out.