Running With Locals

How Running has Shaped the Human I Am

How Running has Shaped the Human I Am

My running journey started in middle school when I would compete in the fitness testing and would break all the records for my age. Seeing that I had a natural talent, I began running on my own and thought about high school cross country and track and field. I even joined a middle school running club to enjoy running and spending time with my friends.

How Running Fosters My Positive Attitude

How Running Fosters My Positive Attitude

“What are you going to do – stop? No way.” That is what my teammate said to our relay squad right before the gun went off for the 4x800 at the New England Division 3 Indoor Championships. We stood huddled in our group overflowing with nerves and excitement while the rest of our team lined the track waiting to cheer us on. But with my teammate’s words, I was instantly brought back to one of my first runs ever. My dad had taken me to run the “Barn Loop” – a wooded trail that the entire Hereford cross country and track teams know by heart. As we ran, my eight-year-old self kept thinking, “I’m not going to stop, I’m not going to stop.” 

My Running Journey: From Feeling Scared to Enjoying the Process

My Running Journey: From Feeling Scared to Enjoying the Process

I arrived at the first training session, shaking in my shoes, just so sure I was going to stick out like a sore thumb.  I was definitely the largest person there, but no one laughed.  We gave introductions and our running background.  Many others were already runners and were just getting back into running. I stated that I had never run before in my life.  No one laughed.  All were encouraging.

Running is Not Just a Physical Sport

Running is Not Just a Physical Sport

Often when we think about goals around running or exercise, the focus is entirely on our body and the physicality of the movement. How can I lose weight? How can I tone or cut? Should I run or lift weights? What will give me the best results? But what doesn’t come up is how our mental and emotional health play into these decisions.

Restoring Life After Death: The Power of the Run

Restoring Life After Death: The Power of the Run

“I am sorry Teena.” These were the words spoken to me by my doctor after no longer seeing a heartbeat on the ultrasound screen.  I did not know what to feel at that moment; however, the next day when the diagnosis was confirmed by radiology, I laid there numb.  The ultrasound technician printed and gave me the last two pictures I would ever receive of my baby.  I was emotionless. 

Experience The Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits

Experience The Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits

Running the Under Armour B3 Distance Series presented by Kelly Benefits is such an exciting pursuit because it encompasses different distances, different seasons and gives you an opportunity to capitalize on your strengths as a runner and focus on your weaknesses. There really is something for everyone.

Charm City Run Finished the NYC Marathon!

Charm City Run Finished the NYC Marathon!

Eleven months ago, we were in a meeting with our New Balance partners and as it was closing, they made an offer. If anyone on our team wanted to run New York City in 2022 to let them know. I was in the midst of thanking them, when Will Murdoch who heads up Charm City Run Events said, “We are all doing it.” At least this is the way I remember it.



When the word came through that some of us at Charm City Run would have the opportunity to run the New York Marathon, thanks to a generous offer from New Balance, I was beyond excited. For a few years, I have applied for entry (and even entered a few giveaways) with no luck. The opportunity to run with 50,000 people from all over the world is something that I can barely wrap my brain around. And now here we are - less than one week away from race day. The nerves are starting to build, but I just keep repeating to myself that I should “trust the training”.

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Kelly's Perspective

Charm City Run is Running the New York City Marathon: Kelly's Perspective

“Who wants to run the New York City Marathon in November?” We were asked this question at a managers meeting and I could not answer yes fast enough. The chance to run the New York City marathon, to represent New Balance and Charm City Run... this is going to be EPIC.