
Charles Street 12 Training Experience Part 3 - Running Together

Charles Street 12 Training Experience Part 3 - Running Together

The dark, cool morning tricks me into thinking the race will be cooler than it is. It’s not nearly as hot as most of our training runs, but the warm air surprises me early after the starting gun. Still, I run and don’t walk at all on race day. Coach Dawn calls out to me from behind about 2 miles into the race. She asks how I am doing and I reply confidently and honestly that I am doing well.

Charles Street Training Experience Part 1 - Running Alone?

Charles Street Training Experience Part 1 - Running Alone?

4 days before my Charles Street 12 Charm City Run training starts I receive a call. My partner for the CS12 Relay has rolled her ankle in the middle of a trail run. I am calm at first, and then it comes. What if she cannot run the race with me? Now is a good time to mention that my relay partner is also my 13-year old daughter. Before the trail run rolled ankle incident, I asked if I could write a blog for Charm City Run. The response was an enthusiastic “awesome” to the idea to chronicle the experience running the CS12 relay with my daughter.