I’ve been running for about 7 years now. I started running with Charm City Run in a 5K training group. I consider myself an educated runner. I am also the mother of a special needs young man. My son, Mike, has a genetic syndrome and is missing an elastin gene. He used to often be seen walking with his hand supporting his lower back. He was uncomfortable and looked it.
Why I'm Running 230 Miles Across Haiti
How To Start Running: Advice From Someone Who's Been In Your Shoes
You might think as the manager of a running store, and coach of running groups, that I am one of those people who always ran, or for whom running came easily. Not quite. If you’ve read anything I’ve posted previously about running after a baby you know that being a “dedicated runner” has changed a lot in meaning for me over the years. In any case-- my point is, that even every runner started somewhere, so kudos to you for taking the first steps.
What Gives? Weight Management and Running
"Why I Run" by Doreen Walsh
5 Rules for Running in the Snow
Running with the Garage Girls
About five years ago I was looking for a running group to train with for a half marathon. I stumbled upon a new running store in Annapolis, MD, Charm City Run. At the time, I was simply excited to have a focused group to train with for a particular race. Little did I know that what I had signed up for would lead to the creation of amazing friendships!
Planning for Healthier Eating in 2017
Our Running and Racing Goals for 2017
Happy 2017! We are excited for another year filled with walking, running, racing and reaching goals together. Our staff set a few running and racing goals for the coming year. We hope these inspire you to set your own; we are excited to help you reach new finish lines, run more miles and enjoy walks with friends and family. So let us know what you what to achieve this year! Share your own running and racing goals for 2017 with us in the comments below!