Dehydration happens when we lose more fluid than we can take in, and if you’re active, your hydrations needs are even greater—especially in the summer. As a runner, dehydration can take a toll on your performance and can lead to some pretty unpleasant workouts. Good news is that there are plenty of proactive steps we can take to ensure summer training is fun and safe.
Meet Our 2017 Amy Schuerholz Metz & Charm City Run Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Nicholas Boogades and Caroline Wilcox, the winners of this year's Amy Schuerholz Metz and Charm City Run Scholarship. Nick and Caroline embody both Amy's love of running and Charm City Run's mission statement: "to inspire and move the human spirit, one sole at a time." We are proud to award them with these scholarships and look forward to seeing the amazing things they accomplish, both on and off the track.
What and When To Eat Before a Run
Whether you’re running a 5K or a 50K, the breakfast you eat on race day is an important factor in how you feel out on the course. Make a good choice and eat it at the right time, and you’ll feel energized and powerful. Make a poor choice and you may experience an uncomfortable finish, unpleasant GI issues, or both.
The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide for the Dad on the Run
Father’s Day is right around the corner! No need to panic if you haven’t picked up a gift yet, we’ve got 10 easy ideas for the running man in your life. These running essentials will keep Dad comfortable and stylish while he’s on the go and are all things that he will actually use. Check out our top picks!
"Why I Run" by John Shafer
Josh & Laurie on Maryland Today
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of heading down to WPOC at The Rotunda to hang with avid runner & DJ Jeff St. Pierre, CCR owner Josh Levinson and BWC and Cancerve founder Laurie Amatucci. I was simply there to coordinate logistics and merely a fly on the wall while the other three chatted Mercy Baltimore Women's Classic 5K for Maryland Today which airs on WPOC, WZFT and WQSR.
15 Years of Charm City Run Memories
Its been a great first 15 years filled with lots of memories...some funny, some sentimental but all filled with sole. There's never a boring day at Charm City Run and that makes for a lot of memorable moments. Thank you for being a part of this amazing community that we have created together. Cheers to the next 15 years!