The Benefits of Keeping Kids Active

The Benefits of Keeping Kids Active

As a parent, teacher, coach or role model, the most important step is creating a positive environment that focuses on fun and building the basic movement skills before sport specific skills. Since not all kids are innately active creatures, some need more encouragement than others to get up and get moving. Increasing physical activity in kids is about finding creative ways to get moving that work for your family and your busy lifestyle. Physical activity does not have to be complicated or costly to be effective.

How to Finalize your Fueling Plan for the Half & Full Marathon

How to Finalize your Fueling Plan for the Half & Full Marathon

As we head into fall race season, now is the time to finalize a strong game plan for fueling, because all that training won’t serve you if there’s no gas in your tank. Your training runs serve as your testing lab for nutrition, so now is the time to test (and test and test!) your options and to answer these questions in the final weeks of your training.