Shamrock 5k Race Recap!

Happy (Belated) St. Patrick's Day! While I'm not even the slightest bit Irish, I wholeheartedly enjoy pulling out some green and getting into the spirit, and this year that included participating in Sunday's Under Armour Kelly St. Patrick's Day Shamrock 5k, for the first time since 2013. Even though that was 3 years ago, I vividly remember that 5k, mainly because I really had to use the restroom, so I was highly motivated to run as fast as possible. I also overlooked the fact that there was no bag check, and opted to run with the UA knapsack on my back...rookie mistake. 

I'm going to be completely honest with you in sharing that my time was nowhere near where it was 3 years ago, mainly because I walked the course this time around. Unfortunately, I suffered a very minor (non-running related) concussion the Monday before the race, and while I'm feeling much better, I chose to listen to my body and not push myself for the sake of writing this blog post. My fiancé on the other hand, who is taking on his first 50k this weekend, was in it to win it! 

While I found walking this 5k to be an extremely humbling experience (I'm pretty competitive by nature, and found myself overcome by the adrenaline of all the festive runners decked out in green), I did enjoy the opportunity to take in the sites of Federal Hill flooded in green, and was able to snap a few pictures along the way!

Just as I rounded the bend into the finish at PowerPlant Live, the first drops of rain began to fall (luck of the Irish!), and so we decided to post up at Leinenkugels to celebrate and brace ourselves for the wet walk back home. While I certainly missed out on the post-race runner's high, I have to say the party at the finish line was in full force by the time I got there, and definitely made for and upbeat Sunday afternoon! If you're not a "serious" runner, I would highly recommend using this 5k as your first race! The crowd that comes out is really fun (kudos to the guy that ran in a kilt, playing the bagpipes the entire time!), you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn, and the after-party lasts longer than the actual race. 

Next up, one of my FAVORITE races - the Sole of the City 10k on Saturday, April 16th! 

About the Author: Annie Truax

Annie is a freelance marketing/PR consultant to local health & wellness companies and teaches barre at several Baltimore studios. Alongside two close friends she founded BMOREtoned, a lifestyle blog, and considers herself a fair-weather runner.