For many years I thought about how cool it was that National (now Global) Running Day always fell around my birthday, June 3rd. Kelly Maurer our training director, former Annapolis store lead and friend, has this obsession with being epic. She has been epic and has attempted races that feature ultra-length and mental challenge. When Charm City Run was searching for something EPIC to do on National Running Day, Kelly had an idea for a 24-hour race in the Annapolis Towne Centre. As we know and appreciate, runners are a little funny, perhaps a little nuts, and to insiders, just the right amount of crazy.
10 Reasons to Train with a Running Group
Interested in training for your first long distance race? Tired of calling your watch your only running partner and coach seven days a week? “You can’t underestimate the power of a group,” says Kelly Maurer, Charm City Run Training Group Director. If you need convincing, check out our top reasons to join a training group below. Or, if you are already a training group regular, enjoy nodding your head in agreement as you read through our list.