
Insider’s Guide to the Komen Maryland Race for the Cure

Insider’s Guide to the Komen Maryland Race for the Cure

The 25th Annual Komen Maryland Race for the Cure has a new location this year at Baltimore’s McHenry Row on October 15. Through events like the Race for the Cure, Komen Maryland has invested $38 million in local community breast health programsand national research.

But our work is not over. 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and 5,250 women in Maryland will be diagnosed this year. Maryland has the 6th highest breast cancer death rate in the country.

Please join us and turn awareness into action at www.raceforthecure.org/baltimore

The Race for the Cure is much more than a 5K! It’s a morning to celebrate survivors, honor those living with breast cancer and remember those we have lost to the disease. It’s a day filled with inspiration, emotion and fun.

10 Items You Should Pack If You're Running the Across the Bay 10K

10 Items You Should Pack If You're Running the Across the Bay 10K

So you registered for the Across the Bay 10K. Maybe you’ve done it for the past 3 years and are looking forward to earning your next interlocking medal. Or maybe you’re training with Charm City Run to race across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge for the first time. Regardless of your experience level, there are a couple of must-have items you’ll want to pack for before, during and after your 10K race so you can #BeatTheBridge this November.

The Run to Remember

The Run to Remember

On 9/11 every year I wanted us all to be good to each other and really good to the men and women that would be willing to put their lives on the line every day. This was the driving motivation but we also wanted to make sure to always remember the victims and to raise money for our departments that have been strapped under the weight of shrinking budgets and higher demands.  I had no idea if we could pull it off but I thought it was worthwhile.  It was worth my best effort.  The Baltimore Police and Fire Departments deserved it and those New York families deserved it so I went to work.

Josh & Laurie on Maryland Today

Josh & Laurie on Maryland Today

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of heading down to WPOC at The Rotunda to hang with avid runner & DJ Jeff St. Pierre, CCR owner Josh Levinson and BWC and Cancerve founder Laurie Amatucci. I was simply there to coordinate logistics and merely a fly on the wall while the other three chatted Mercy Baltimore Women's Classic 5K for Maryland Today which airs on WPOC, WZFT and WQSR.

My Chicago Marathon Recap, or That Time Barre Got Me Across the Finish Line

My Chicago Marathon Recap, or That Time Barre Got Me Across the Finish Line

Two weeks before heading to Chicago I was contemplating deferring my race entry until next year. Could I really run a full marathon with such little training without seriously hurting myself? By this point I wasn’t thinking about time – I just wanted to finish safely, even if that meant run-walking. So, I decided to focus on the things that I COULD control at this point: I logged one last ditch effort 16 mile run, met with a nutritional/run coach, and made sure I was running at least 5 miles a few days a week in between my barre classes.

Running with Coach Bobby Szabo: Tackling the NCR 20 Miler

Running with Coach Bobby Szabo: Tackling the NCR 20 Miler

This was my first time running the NCR 20 Miler. I have done half marathons and shorter races but really wanted to test myself to see if I would enjoy something a bit longer, perhaps gasp, a marathon! I thought the NCR 20 Miler was perfect test because I heard it was fairly flat to downgrade, shaded, and the atmosphere of the race was very community like. 

Running with Sparrow Rodgers: Racing the CS12, 12 Years Post-Accident

Running with Sparrow Rodgers: Racing the CS12, 12 Years Post-Accident

On Sept. 3, Sparrow Rogers ran the Charles Street 12 with her left leg “filled with all kinds of plates and pins” from an accident abroad 12 years ago. In 2004, she was told she might never walk again and would need an amputation after being hit by a drunk driver in Croatia.

Now, Sparrow has completed her goal of finishing a long distance race. “I was so ecstatic to cross the finish line, even though my time was far from inspiring,” she shares, “the 12 mile distance was the perfect ‘push yourself’ length.”