
And You Thought of Doing It Alone?

And You Thought of Doing It Alone?

Exactly a week from today, I’ll be a half-marathoner. I believe a lot in positive affirmations. So, yes, it’s happening! Whether I run or walk or crawl or fly (or go on a medical stretcher), I’ll be at the finish line of the Philly Love Run 2017 this Sunday. Now that I’m in Taper Ville, I seem to have a lot of free time for reflections. It all takes me back to September 2016. I had been trying to take up running for at least a year and a half.

How To Start Running: Advice From Someone Who's Been In Your Shoes

How To Start Running: Advice From Someone Who's Been In Your Shoes

You might think as the manager of a running store, and coach of running groups, that I am one of those people who always ran, or for whom running came easily.  Not quite. If you’ve read anything I’ve posted previously about running after a baby you know that being a “dedicated runner” has changed a lot in meaning for me over the years. In any case-- my point is, that even every runner started somewhere, so kudos to you for taking the first steps.

My Chicago Marathon Recap, or That Time Barre Got Me Across the Finish Line

My Chicago Marathon Recap, or That Time Barre Got Me Across the Finish Line

Two weeks before heading to Chicago I was contemplating deferring my race entry until next year. Could I really run a full marathon with such little training without seriously hurting myself? By this point I wasn’t thinking about time – I just wanted to finish safely, even if that meant run-walking. So, I decided to focus on the things that I COULD control at this point: I logged one last ditch effort 16 mile run, met with a nutritional/run coach, and made sure I was running at least 5 miles a few days a week in between my barre classes.

10 Reasons to Train with a Running Group

10 Reasons to Train with a Running Group

Interested in training for your first long distance race? Tired of calling your watch your only running partner and coach seven days a week? “You can’t underestimate the power of a group,” says Kelly Maurer, Charm City Run Training Group Director. If you need convincing, check out our top reasons to join a training group below. Or, if you are already a training group regular, enjoy nodding your head in agreement as you read through our list.

How Yoga (and Barre!) Changed My Run

How Yoga (and Barre!) Changed My Run

In honor of the Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day tomorrow, I’d love to share how developing a consistent yoga practice has not only helped me quiet my mind, but has made my running stronger as well! 

I stumbled into my first yoga class five years ago, while training for my first marathon, having been told it was “good for me.” Every Wednesday evening I reluctantly rolled out my mat, considering the class an opportunity to stretch out, let my muscles recover, relax…anything but an actual WORKOUT, despite the fact I left every week a sweaty mess, wondering why I felt sore the next day.

5 Reasons I Love the BWC 5K

5 Reasons I Love the BWC 5K

This year’s Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K is on June 26, 2016. I’ve run this 5K the past 3 years, and it is one of my favorites in the area! I love that it is such a celebration of women’s running and is a very well-organized event. Besides just being one of my favorite summer races, here are my 5 reasons why YOU should run the Baltimore Women’s Classic (BWC) 5K:

From the Road to the Trails: Finding (and Loving) Trail Running

From the Road to the Trails: Finding (and Loving) Trail Running

I have been running for the past 2.5 years, and most of my experience has been on the road. Completing 3 marathons, numerous half marathons, 10ks, 5ks, and even an obstacle race or 3, I never had any real experience with running trails. However, after completing my 2nd marathon, I found myself unmotivated and almost ready to leave running behind. That’s when I found ultramarathons and trail running.

Run Happy Revolution Training: Running When Life Gets in the Way

Run Happy Revolution Training: Running When Life Gets in the Way

Imagine a world where you could do whatever you want whenever you wanted to without having to worry about other plans? Wouldn’t that just be the best thing ever?! Well, as we all know, that’s not the life most of us live, and instead, we constantly find ourselves overwhelmed by our schedules, or sacrificing other plans we may have in place of work or school. I don’t need to tell any of you how tough it can be, and in my case, I found it particularly difficult to find time for working out last semester. Between school and work, any free time I had automatically went to homework, and I grew pretty fed up with it after a while.