This summer has already been a hot one and we’re only half-way through! But don’t let the heat deter you from continuing your outdoor runs and walks. We’ve pulled together ten helpful tips to help keep you cool, hydrated, and feeling good.
20th Anniversary of the Run to Remember by Josh Levinson
I want to welcome you to the 20th Anniversary and last Run to Remember. In the fall of 2001, we were vacationing with family in Rehobeth Beach. We were still living in Austin but had made the decision to move home with Ben, who was nine months old, and open Charm City Run. We may have still been looking for our first location or we may have had the current Timonium location in our sights.
Don’t Let Dehydration Flush Your Performance by Dawn Litrenta, Timonium Store Lead & Middle Distance Training Coach
Training in the summer is much different from training in the winter months. It is much harder to run well when it's hot and it takes time to get our bodies acclimated to the heat. Perceived effort is greater in the heat and it is not in your head...It may have felt harder to run on a hot day than it did on previous workouts.
Summer Running – Why it is Important by Josh Carroll, High School XC Coach, Charm City Run Annapolis
Cross country season was half over on the first day of practice. And now, with over twenty years of high school coaching experience, I realize that summer training is a hallmark to success for distance runners.
I do not believe that summer running should reflect the rigors of in-season training. Rather, summer running should afford runners the opportunity to maintain and improve their fitness levels, experiment with cross training, build core strength, and join a community of likeminded teenagers who are focused on success as distance runners.
50 for 50 by Josh Levinson, Charm City Run Owner & Founder
For many years I thought about how cool it was that National (now Global) Running Day always fell around my birthday, June 3rd. Kelly Maurer our training director, former Annapolis store lead and friend, has this obsession with being epic. She has been epic and has attempted races that feature ultra-length and mental challenge. When Charm City Run was searching for something EPIC to do on National Running Day, Kelly had an idea for a 24-hour race in the Annapolis Towne Centre. As we know and appreciate, runners are a little funny, perhaps a little nuts, and to insiders, just the right amount of crazy.
Brain Insights for Better Run Training and Relationships by Dr. Melissa Hallmark Kerr
As runners and fitness enthusiasts, we know what it’s like to transform our psyches in as little as 20 sweaty minutes – i.e., to go from feeling flat, or off, to feeling good again. This is the real reason why we always find a way to move, even when we’re injured. Who doesn’t want to feel better? When we feel better, we treat ourselves and others better.
Overcoming Running Injuries by NovaCare Rehabilitation
There is good pain and bad pain. Good pain stops when you stop. It is generally mild, diffuses and doesn’t affect quality of movement. Bad pain does not stop when you stop. It can get worse during or after activity. It can be sharp in nature, and significant enough to force you to change your gait whether you realize it or not.
My Charm City Run Internship Experience by Amelia Thomas
The entire Charm City Run community is something that I’ve never seen before in a workplace. Everyone always has a smile on their face, even if the store is getting slammed. Everyone is willing to pitch in and genuinely cares about each other. As an intern getting to know the owner personally is something you may not see in big companies.
Taking it to the Next Level with the 24 Hour Challenge
In 2018 we took the challenge to the next level, we decided to do a 24 Hour Challenge at our Annapolis location and invite our staff and our running community to run a one mile loop around the Annapolis Town Centre for 24 Hours. Yes that sounded crazy too but why not give it a try. Well we did it and it was a great success so we are back for another year!
From the Coach’s Perspective: The First Day of Training
5:03 am:
It’s Saturday, and I reach for my phone to check the time. I make sure that the alarm is set. Check! Official wake up time is 6:15. I either have one hour and twelve minutes to go back to sleep, dreaming of finisher medals and post-race bagels. Or, I have one hour and twelve minutes to run through everything in my least 26 times..for the first day of half marathon training.