My brain has two modes, the one that makes all the lists and triple checks to make sure I have everything. Then there's the other part of my brain that's running the Chicago Marathon this weekend and just read the participant guide yesterday to find out I can't use a hydration vest! No matter which type of runner you are, the week leading up to your race is definitely the time to get your s*** organized.
First things first, READ THE RACE GUIDELINES! For example, those of you running Baltimore should know by now that it's a cup less race. Those of you running Chicago will have cups, but will not be allowed to wear a hydration vest. Every race is going to be different, so read the guide for your specific race and make sure you know whether or not you can use music, what the hydration and nutrition options are on course, how often there's going to be an aid station and where porta potties will be located.
Next, lay out everything you will need for race day. Shirt, shorts, socks, belt / vest, reflection, body glide, nutrition, throwaway sweatshirt, safety pins, bib, and of course... shoes! If you're traveling for your race, I highly recommend packing everything you need for race day in your carry-on bag that way if something goes wrong with your luggage, you're not struggling to find shoes or a running outfit last minute. If you're not traveling, lay your things out the day before your race so that you can make sure you have everything and are not scrambling around race day morning.
I'm sure you know the rule, but nothing new on race day! Make sure you've run in your race day clothes ahead of time so you know if anything rubs or chafes. I like to buy a new pair of socks, but the exact same socks that I always buy, that way I get to wear something new for my race but it's not a new product. Nothing new on race day also goes for the food that you eat the night before and the morning of. If you're traveling, double check to see what the hotel offers for breakfast or plan to bring your breakfast with you.
Hydration starts now! Throw a nuun tablet or some Motive Pure in your water and start hydrating. I like to have an adult beverage the night before a race to settle my nerves, but only one and I balance it out with two glasses of water.
Have more questions? Feel free to stop by and see me in the Fells Point store, or stop by any of our locations to talk to a staff member about how to be race day ready. :-) Remember, this is supposed to be fun, smile for the camera, and enjoy every mile!