runner nutrition

August at the Farmers' Market: Filling the Healthy Runner's Plate

August at the Farmers' Market: Filling the Healthy Runner's Plate

Staying healthy while training for a summer or fall race doesn’t require runners to spend a fortune on supplements, shakes and sugary energy bars to fuel runs and recover quickly. You don’t have to drop a paycheck at specialty stores on bizarre ingredients, either. Look no further than your local farmers’ market plentiful produce bursting with flavor and nutrition!

Do I Need to Eat on My Runs?

Do I Need to Eat on My Runs?

When new runners first come to Charm City Run, they’re often surprised to see the racks and racks of brightly colored packets of carbohydrate-rich “goo,” bars and jelly beans in flavors ranging from chocolate to watermelon to cucumber; wafers and cookies; fizzy tablets; and pre-, post- and during-run drinks. It’s no surprise that one of the most common questions I get from runners these days is whether and when to consume this specialized runner nutrition.